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华丽三国冒险记《怒射吧主公》 首款弹射海战卡牌

Gorgeous three adventures "nushe tetrarch," the first ejection Battle Card card

2015-08-19 11:29:37来源: 4399

《怒射吧主公》全新模式的海战体验与弹射刮除战斗方式让你感受智慧的碰撞,引爆你的指尖触感,各种Q萌武将与你并肩作战,共闯重重关卡。一场华丽的三国冒险记即将开场! 作为一款以轻松操作快乐游戏为主打的卡牌手游,《怒射吧主公》战斗系统与《百战天虫》有些类似,玩家将使用自己专属船只和武将进行战斗...

the anger to shoot the tetrarch, "a new mode of naval experience and ejection scraping in addition to combat let you feel the wisdom of the collision, detonated your fingertips touch, all Q Meng generals fight side by side with you, enter heavy levels. A magnificent three Adventures of the upcoming opening! As a to easily operate happy game for main hand travel card, the anger to shoot it is somewhat similar to the tetrarch "combat system and" worms ", players will use their exclusive ships and generals to fight...