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《妖怪手表Dance》首图曝光 怪力手表舞力全开

The monster watch dance named exposure strange watch dance force open

2015-08-20 00:11:39来源: 逗游网

近日,Level-5旗下所开发的《妖怪手表》IP与育碧的《舞力全开》共同合作推出了《妖怪手表Dance》的首张游戏截图,这张截图是出现在任天堂的官网上的,一看画风果然是两部游戏的合体,特色鲜明。 根据早前的情报,在今年的“LEVEL5 VISION 2015-THE BEGINNIN...

recently, developed the level-5's "monster watch" IP and Ubisoft's "Dance Open" jointly launched the "monster watch dance" the first screenshots of the game, this screenshot is appear either heaven's official website, see a style really is two games fit and distinctive features. According to earlier information, in this year's VISION 2015-THE BEGINNIN LEVEL5...