新关注 > 信息聚合 > 正版手游《变形金刚前线》9月9日全平台公测 经典..

正版手游《变形金刚前线》9月9日全平台公测 经典..

Genuine hand travel transformers front on September 9, the whole platform beta classic..

2015-08-19 21:13:29来源: 不凡游戏网


authorized by Hasbro, genuine, Dena China independent research and development of action card poker tour "Transformers front" (tff.mbage.cn) for the first time since exposure since by many game enthusiasts attention and sought after today, officially announced transformers front will be in September 1 launch on IOS version, September 9, officially opened the whole platform beta, will be in the hundreds of millions of transformers fans, blowing a sci-fi mecha of...

标签: 手游