新关注 > 信息聚合 > 水浒英雄榜,要战就来《百易水浒传》


Water Margin heroes, to fight to the hundreds of outlaws of the marsh "

2015-08-19 22:18:49来源: 不凡游戏网

古有水浒英雄传,今有百易水浒传。古往今来,我们不求能在历史的长河里留下我们的痕迹,却可以在虚拟的时空里记录下我们的战绩,来百易水浒传,化身108好汉,挑战众多玩家,登陆聚义英雄榜,领取神秘大礼,更有七夕神秘礼物等你来拿! 聚义英雄榜 每个人都有一个英雄梦,当现实无法给予我们的时候,虚...

Ancient Water Margin heroes, today there are hundreds of outlaws of the marsh. Throughout the ages, we do not seek to leave our mark on history, but in the virtual space and time record our record, to easily outlaws of the marsh, 108 heroes of avatar, many challenges internationally, landing Juyi hero list and obtain a mysterious gift, more Tanabata mystery gift for you to take! Juyee heroes each have a heroic dream, when reality cannot give us the time, false...