新关注 > 信息聚合 > 何时能来到中国? VR射击游戏完全体登陆澳洲

何时能来到中国? VR射击游戏完全体登陆澳洲

When can you come to China? VR shooting game full body landing in Australia

2015-08-19 12:33:54来源: 178游戏网

如果问现在最受期待的游戏方式是什么?那么必然是火得不行的VR(虚拟现实)游戏。虽然VR游戏暂时还未普及,但是在国外,已经出现了VR的游戏设施了。八哥看了,只想问:何时能开到中国,我的钱期间饥渴难耐了! 在澳洲出现了这么一个虚拟现实的游戏ROOM设施。戴上VR设备,拿上光枪之后就能和朋友...

ask now the most anticipated game is what? So must be the fire is not enough VR (virtual reality) game. Although the VR game is not yet universal, but in foreign countries, there have been VR game facilities. "Look, just want to ask: when to China, during my hunger and thirst of the money! In Australia there is such a virtual reality game ROOM facilities. Wear VR equipment, and then you can get on with friends...

标签: 游戏 VR