新关注 > 信息聚合 > 官方称《质量效应:仙女座》近期不会推出游戏演示


Officials say the mass effect: Andromeda "not the recent introduction of the game demo

2015-08-19 02:21:59来源: 新浪

《质量效应:仙女座(Mass Effect Andromeda)》自从在今年E3游戏展正式公布后,玩家们就对这部脱离三部曲主线的新作的好奇不已,这部全新的作品将拥有怎样的故事和战斗呢? 现在开发商BioWare为我们分享了该作的最新情报,同时BioWare还表示,短期内还没有展示全新...

the quality effect: Andromeda (mass effect Andromeda)" since the officially announced in this year's E3 game show, players is this part is separated from the main trilogy, a new curiosity about the unceasingly, the new works will have the story and what battle?? Now the developer BioWare for us to share the latest information on the work, while BioWare also said that in the short term has not yet demonstrated a new...

标签: 游戏