新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天拓游戏力作 《小小三国志》攻占策略手游市场

天拓游戏力作 《小小三国志》攻占策略手游市场

Tiantuo game masterpiece "small history of the Three Kingdoms" capture strategy of hand travel market

2015-08-18 23:46:45来源: 不凡游戏网

今年随着手游市场的火热,许多游戏公司也纷纷将目光转向了手游市场,其中不乏端游和页游公司。端游或页游公司转型做手游成功的可能性有多少呢?以页游起家的天拓游戏近期向大家呈现了一份完美答卷,旗下力作《小小三国志》成功攻占策略手游市场。 在今年的转型浪潮里,天拓游戏可以说是页游转型手游的一个典...

this year as the travel market hot, many game companies also have the eyes to the tour market, many of them end of the tour and page tour company. End tour or page tour companies in transition to do the possibility of success of the hand? With the page tour started tiantuo game recently to everybody presents a perfect answer,'s masterpiece, "a little romance of the Three Kingdoms" succeeded in capturing strategy of hand travel market. In the transformation of the wave of this year, we can say the game is a typical Webpage Game transformation of Mobile Games...

标签: 游戏 手游