新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西普大陆恶魔领主无益萌兽平民打法征集


Etanercept, demon lord useless adorable animal civilians play collection

2015-08-11 10:50:28来源: 4399

4399西普大陆小编征集令,4399西普大陆boss打法视频征集。 恶魔领主这个boss可是很考验耐心啊,而且对精灵的要求比较高。恶魔领主的防御波动很大,而且掠夺增益的概率很高,一旦被掠夺增益或者boss的防御过高,都需要重头再来,而且双头龙的加攻加爆概率也不是百分百,众多因素综合之...

4399 of etanercept, Xiaobian collected so, 4399 etanercept, boss play video collection. The demon lord of this boss but a very test of patience, and the requirements of the wizard is relatively high. Demon Lord's defense fluctuation and probability of predatory gain very high, once they are predatory gain or a boss's defense is too high, need to start all over again, and two headed dragon attacks and burst probability is not 100 percent, many factors of...