新关注 > 信息聚合 > Glu欲为杰森斯坦森与麻辣鸡定专属手游


Glu desire for Jason Statham and spicy chicken set exclusive tour

2015-08-11 11:30:41来源: 07073游戏网

说到游戏开发商 Glu,近一段时间来最大的话题就是他们的“明星”级手游制作了吧。虽然也有着像 Deer Hunter《猎鹿人》一类的好作品,但让他们尝到了甜头的可是大牌女星金·卡戴珊加盟打造的模拟经营游戏——Kim Kardashian: Hollywood 《金·卡戴珊:好莱坞》。 ...

when it comes to the game developer Glu, close period of time to the topic which is their star level tour production. Although there is a like a deer hunter "the deer hunter," a class of good works, but let them tasted the sweetness, but big name actress Kim Kardashian joined to create business simulation game, Kim Kardashian: Hollywood "Kim Kardashian: Hollywood". ...

标签: 手游