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再见不会太遥远 《新风云》首测圆满落幕

Goodbye not too distant "new situation" the first test ended

2015-08-10 10:14:43来源: 电玩巴士

相见时难别亦难,马荣成正版授权3D港漫武侠热血网游《新风云》为期两周的首次删档技术封测,已于上周五(8月7日)圆满结束,感谢所有玩家在此次测试中对我们游戏的大力支持与陪伴,期待下一次与你相见。 情谊相许 生死相交 在首测中,玩家们以无名弟子的身份置身到风起云涌的原著大世界中,见证了...

meet each other with a difficult also difficult, Ma Wing Shing licensed 3D diffuse in Hong Kong martial arts Blood online gaming, "the new situation" for a period of two weeks first delete files packaging and testing technology has in on Friday (August 7) ended, thanks to the players in the test for the game we vigorously support and companionship, looking forward to meet with you next time. Friendship phase Xu intersection of life and death in the first test, the players to the identity of the unnamed disciple exposure to the like a rising wind and scudding clouds in the world of the original, witnessed the...