新关注 > 信息聚合 > 盘点游戏历史之“最” 奇葩游戏竟可选择当失足女

盘点游戏历史之“最” 奇葩游戏竟可选择当失足女

Inventory game history the most wonderful game can choose when is really scared baby slip female

2015-08-10 10:44:38来源: 新浪

真是吓死宝宝了,在游戏里竟然干这些事情都行。让小编带你看看奇葩游戏的奇葩设定,盘点游戏历史上那些你不知道的奇葩之“最”。 世界上最早的游戏 《PONG》 世界上最恐怖的游戏 《零·红蝶》 世界上最早的FPS游戏 《毁灭战士》 在那个3D还没有出现的时候我们伟大的卡神(约翰·卡马...

. In the game should do these things are OK. Let the small make up with you to see the wonderful game settings, the history of the inventory of those you do not know the wonderful". The world's first game "Pong" in the world the most horrible game "zero - Butterfly" in the world the earliest FPS game doom has yet to appear when we great James Cameron (John Kama in the 3D...

标签: 游戏