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小沃科技破局思考 如何应对移动游戏增长放缓

Wo technology broken bureau on how to deal with mobile gaming growth slowdown

2015-07-31 20:35:00来源: 新浪

移动游戏市场经过2014年的爆发,进入2015年来,增长速度逐步放缓,整个市场回归理性空间,这对于游戏行业从业者来说是机遇还是挑战?7月30日ChinaJoy拉开帷幕,小沃科技与易观智库联合主办“移动游戏高峰论坛”,共同探讨“如何应对移动游戏增长放缓这件事儿”。 本次论坛上,小沃科技...

mobile game market after the outbreak of the 2014 to 2015, the growth rate gradually slowed down, the market return to rational space, which for the game industry practitioners is opportunity or challenge? On July 30, ChinaJoy kicked off, small Wo technology and Analysys jointly sponsored "mobile games forum", discuss jointly "how to deal with mobile gaming growth slowed this thing". The forum, the small fertile technology...

标签: 游戏