新关注 > 信息聚合 > 德杯参赛战队巡礼 LPL八强齐聚北京一决高下

德杯参赛战队巡礼 LPL八强齐聚北京一决高下

German Cup competition team tour LPL quarterfinals gathered in Beijing a season to compete

2015-07-06 22:28:07来源: 巴士LOL


S5 lol District of China described the stadium is like a rising wind and scudding clouds, first is royal not enemy GT lspl degradation, and is VG.P acquired GT, Royal acquisition VG.P. Then came the Han aid boom and the impact of the LPL game, the LPL summer season is completely revamped like appeared in front of us. And then the de Marcia cup is more intuitive to feel the change of each team, or the state is excellent, or the state of ups and downs...