新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《喵斯快跑》重大更新今日上线 本体史低促销中

《喵斯快跑》重大更新今日上线 本体史低促销中

Major update of "mews run" launched today

2021-02-05 15:03:47来源: 游戏时光

心动网络宣布,音乐游戏《喵斯快跑》于今日(2 月 5 日)推出重大更新, 新 DLC 加入 22 首全新歌曲及 1 个全新角色。除了加入全新联动歌曲外,玩家完成任意一首合作歌曲,都能获得泡沫冬景合作插图。本作目前本体史低 3 元促销中,全部 250 首歌曲合集大礼包仅需 128 元。

Heart network announced that the music game "mews run" today (February 5) launched a major update, the new DLC to add 22 new songs and a new role. In addition to joining the new linkage songs, game player can complete a cooperative song with any winter songs. At present, in the 3 yuan promotion, the package of 250 songs is only 128 yuan.