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Japanese turn system strategy game "the battle of iglia" update new Chinese style hero

2021-02-05 13:57:21来源: 游戏时光

日式风格类“大战略”游戏《伊格利亚战记》已于 2020 年在 Steam 平台启动抢先体验,官方宣布本作将于 2 月 5 日迎来一次重大更新,新增包含一名中国风角色“菱雪”在内的 10 名新英雄。 视频地址《伊格利亚战记》是一款架空背景的轻量级策略战争游戏,采用了日式立绘和像素结合的美术风格,游戏中有着许多个各具特色的国家,玩家可以成为任意国家的君主,通过在世界地图下达指令来管理自己的领土,让他发展壮大。同时也可以在战场上调兵遣将,招募各种武将,运筹帷幄。 新角色“菱雪” 本次春节更新将为游戏带来了更多内容调整,例如势力和英雄将被区分为“混乱、中立、秩序”三种阵营,中立阵营可招募所有英雄,混乱和秩序无法相互招募;阵营的兵种解锁将更受限制;英雄随升级可解锁最多五个专

The Japanese style "grand strategy" game "the battle of iglia" has started its preemptive experience on the steam platform in 2020. The official announced that this game will usher in a major update on February 5, with 10 new heroes including a Chinese character "Lingxue". &Video address "the battle of iglia" is a lightweight strategy war game with overhead background, which adopts the art style of Japanese painting and pixel combination. There are many countries with their own characteristics in the game. Players can become the monarch of any country, and manage their territory by giving instructions on the world map, so that they can develop and grow. At the same time, they can also deploy troops and recruit various generals on the battlefield to plan strategies. &Amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; new character "Ling Xue"

标签: 游戏