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传感器+软件人性化 Moto X人机交互体验

Interactive experience [IT168]

2015-03-11 00:55:05来源: IT168

【IT168 评测】人机交互,听起来是这两年才和我们亲密接触过的词语,但其实人类在人机交互上的努力已经由来已久,1995年,比尔盖茨就曾经发布过微软历史上首款成型的人机交互软件,但结果大家也都清楚,...

evaluation of human-computer interaction software Moto X sensor + humanized human-computer, sounds like this for only two years and our intimate contact of the words, but in fact in the human-computer interaction of human efforts have been long-standing, 1995, Bill Gates was released through interactive software Microsoft history's first formed, but the results you are all clear,...