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梦幻西游手游六大角色80光武手持造型出场 你喜欢..

Fantasy Westward Journey tour six roles 80 Guangwu handheld modeling appearance you like appearance..

2015-06-16 11:50:58来源: 4399

6个角色80武器外观在玩家们千呼万唤中终于在梦幻西游手游出场了,之前爆料了各个武器的设计原画,今天4399挽歌就为大家带来实际装备效果,一起探讨哪一把更拉轰吧~ 小编本人就是剑侠客一枚,对此次的80武器外观很是满意。个人比较酷爱重剑,之前的剑总觉得没重剑威风,这次终于心满意足啦~ 要吐...

6 role 80 weapons in the players the long-awaited finally in Fantasy Westward Journey tour played, the blast before the various arms of the original design today 4399 elegy is for everyone to bring actual equipment effect, explore together which the more pull boom it ~ Xiaobian I is Musketeers off a gold, 80 weapons of the appearance is very satisfied with the. Personally very fond of Epee, before the sword did not always feel the power and prestige, this time finally to one's heart's content ~ to spit...

标签: 手游 梦幻西游