新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《海战世界》不限号测试版本独家深度评测


"Sea world" is not restricted, test version exclusive in-depth evaluation

2015-05-16 18:59:22来源: 178游戏网

【本文由178新游戏频道原创 转载请注明出处】 5月15日,畅游旗下首款国产3D战争TPS网游《海战世界》开启了大规模不限号测试。此前,178新游戏频道曾对该游戏的不删档测试进行过试玩报道【...详细】,而这次不限号测试,游戏进行了重大的版本更新,不但加入了D系战列舰研发科技树,而且...

[this by 178 new game channel original reproduced please indicate source] on May 15, the tour's first homebred 3D war TPS net swims "sea world" opened the mass does not limit the number of tests. Previously, 178 new game channel had the game does not delete files test had demo reports [... With], and the limited number of tests, game major version update, not only joined the Series D battleship R & D tree, and...