新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL战斗的召唤活动即将开启 双倍经验金币永久皮肤

LOL战斗的召唤活动即将开启 双倍经验金币永久皮肤

Lol battle call activity is about to open the double experience gold permanent skin

2015-05-18 16:28:14来源: 科技讯

LOL战斗的召唤活动即将开启!双倍经验金币连续1周,7天体验皮肤来就送,永久史诗皮肤等你拿!下面是本次活动的具体情况 【科技讯】5月18日消息,LOL战斗的召唤活动即将开启!双倍经验金币连续1周,7天体验皮肤来就送,永久史诗皮肤等你拿!下面是本次活动的具体情况: 1、 双倍经验双...

LOL to fight call of activities will be open! Double experience coins for 1 week, seven days to experience the skin to send, permanent epic skin you take! Here is the specific circumstances of the event [science and Technology News May 18 news, lol battle call activities will be open! Double experience coins for 1 week, seven days to experience the skin to send, permanent epic skin you take! Here is the specific circumstances of the event: 1, double experience double...

标签: LOL