新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杨幂助力《新征途手游》粉丝捧场挤爆服务器


Yang Mi power "new journey" Mobile Games fans to join in the first appeared at the server

2015-04-23 19:59:29来源: 天极网

第一国战《新征途手游》于昨日开始公测啦,由当红花旦杨幂代言的这款强交互国战手游,从曝光期间就不断引起了粉丝的关注。游戏一上线,马上被粉丝和玩家挤爆服务器! 杨幂代言《新征途手游》,粉丝捧场瞬爆服务器 《新征途手游》在与杨幂正式签约之后,就吸引到一众粉丝强势围观,以其“红衣虞姬”的...

battle "new journey" Mobile Games yesterday began open beta, the popular actress Yang Mi endorsement of the strong interaction and Mobile Games, from the exposure period has attracted the attention of fans. The game on the line, immediately by the fans and the game player Jibao server! Yang Mi endorsement "new journey" Mobile Games, fans cheer burst server "new journey Mobile Games" after formally signed with Yang Mi, attracted a strong crowd to the fans, "the red"...

标签: 手游