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帝尊手游装备系统攻略 打造神兵吧

Emperor Mobile Games equipment system: create magic.

2015-04-11 18:22:56来源: 4399

俗话说工欲善其事必先利其器,修仙问道之人当然要有仙器傍身,本篇小编就向大家介绍一下帝尊手游中的装备系统,希望能帮助各位道友打造一把神兵利器。 ▍装备开启 道友等级达到1级后开启武器强化引导,道友可以点击主界面的【炼宝炉】进行装备查看。 ▍装备品质 装备分白、绿、蓝、紫、橙、红、黑...

as the saying goes, to do good work must first sharpen his tools, being asked who should of course have fairy is near the body, the small series to introduce equipment system about the emperor Mobile Games, the hope can help you create a way god soldier sharp. Man equipment open friends reach level 1 after open arms and strengthen guidance, you can click on the main interface of the smelting furnace equipment [] see treasure. The quality of the equipment and equipment including white man, green, blue, purple, orange, red, black...

标签: 手游