新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《星际公民》募资超7600万美元 85万投资者

《星际公民》募资超7600万美元 85万投资者

"Star citizen" raised over $76000000 of investor

2015-03-31 10:43:28来源: 太平洋游戏网

由银河飞将之父克里斯·罗伯特创办的Cloud Imperium Games工作室开发的太空科幻网游《星际公民》官方日前宣布:游戏已经成功募集到7600万美元(约4.7亿人民币)的开发资金,总计有85万投资者慷慨解囊。 在一个月的时间 内,游戏的募资金额又增长了300万美元,而克里斯·...

by the Milky Way commander father Chris Robert founded the Cloud Imperium Games development studio space science fiction online games "star citizen" official recently announced: the game has been successfully raised $76000000 (about 470000000 yuan) development funds, a total of 850000 investors to loosen one's purse strings generously. In a month's time, Muzi amount of the game and an increase of $3000000, and Chris...