新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《使命召唤》玩家共扔了3000亿颗手雷!


"Call of duty" game player is threw 300000000000 grenades!

2015-03-31 02:50:11来源: 大河网

【环球游戏综合报道】 据游戏资讯网IGN 3月28日报道,为了庆祝即将到来的使命召唤冠军联赛,动视公司在不久前专门为玩家放出了一系列的让人眼前一亮的统计数字。 猜猜玩家们总共在《使命召唤》系列游戏中扔了多少手雷?提示:非常多。 图片中的数据并不是整个《使命召唤》系列的统计数字,只...

[global game comprehensive report] according to the information of the game network IGN reported on March 28th, in celebration of the upcoming call of the Champions League, Activision in not long ago specifically for the game player released an array of statistics let a person shine at the moment. Guess game player who in a total of "call of duty" series of games away many grenades? Tip: very much. The picture data is not the "call of duty" series of statistics, only...

标签: 玩家