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Three first generals "battle of Red Cliff" Wu Temple first pass

2015-03-30 20:01:49来源: 新浪

赤壁之战 CGWR 得分 CGWR:370 位 CGWR介绍 2015竞技国战网游《赤壁之战》4月2日新服增开,真实还原三国宏伟剧情、历史武将。酷炫的技能、风骚的三国文化风受到众多玩家的追捧。《赤壁之战》商城不出售装备、宝石等影响游戏平衡的道具,一切全靠打!为玩家打造一个公平、公...

Chibi CGWR score of CGWR:370 bit CGWR introduces 2015 competitive country war gaming "battle of Red Cliff" in April 2nd the new service, open reduction, real Three Kingdoms grand plot, historical generals. Cool skills, coquettish Three Kingdoms culture wind by many game player pursued. "Battle of Red Cliff" mall not to sell equipment, precious stones affect game balance props, all depend on playing! Create a fair, justice as the game player...