新关注 > 信息聚合 > 神秘面纱揭晓:《莽荒纪2》悬念站正式上线


Unveiling: "jungle of Ji 2" suspense station officially launched

2015-03-05 11:24:54来源: 一游网

继起点知名小说《莽荒纪》大IP与4399游戏合作以来,手游大作4399《莽荒纪2》因获得互联网超人气仙侠小说《莽荒纪》手游正版IP授权,一直备受各界的期待。今日,4399游戏公司正版授权手游《莽荒纪2》悬念站正式对外公开啦!快跟着小编来看看《莽荒纪2》到底有什么神秘之处吧! 此次《莽...

since starting point of popular novels "Jungle" Ji large IP with 4399 games cooperation, Mobile Games big 4399 "Jungle" Ji 2 for access to the Internet popular supernatural fiction "jungle Ji" Mobile Games genuine IP authorization, a straight has expectations. Today, the 4399 game company licensed Mobile Games "jungle of Ji 2" suspense station officially opened! Follow small make up to have a look "jungle of Ji 2" what is the mystery of the mang! "...