新关注 > 信息聚合 > 我命由我不由天《封天》带你征战天庭


I assign by me not by the day "letter day" with you in heaven

2015-03-06 14:18:16来源: 新浪

封天CGWR 得分 CGWR:451 位 CGWR介绍 我命由我不由天,真英雄当以决战天庭之高姿态凌驾上天,与玉帝过招颠覆三界!在2015年度神仙打架网游《封天》中,大规模城战——天庭争夺战就可以满足玩家与天为争的战斗欲望,让我们加入游戏一起来体验吧! 天庭争夺战 天庭争...

letter day CGWR score of CGWR:451 bit CGWR introduction I assign by me not by the day, with a high-profile battle heaven above God as the true hero, and the Jade Emperor against subversion of the three realms! In the year 2015 immortals fight online games "letter day", a large-scale war -- the battle for the city of heaven can meet the game player and the days for the contention battle lust, let us join together to experience the game! The battle for the heaven for heaven...