新关注 > 信息聚合 > 旧金山市长会见中手游肖健 中手游拟设立美国分公司

旧金山市长会见中手游肖健 中手游拟设立美国分公司

San Francisco Mayor met with Xiao Jian in Mobile Games Mobile Games intends to set up American branch

2015-03-07 22:35:32来源: 和讯网

DoNews游戏3月7日消息(记者 孙永立)GDC2015期间,旧金山市长李孟贤于美国时间3月5日会见了参展的中国手游CEO肖健。肖健透露,中国手游正规划在旧金山设立美国分公司,希望借助旧金山市的相关政策支持,从而快速落地并取得更大的合作成效。 肖健表示,中国手游正在推动“引进来与走...

DoNews game on March 7th news (reporter Sun Yongli) during the period of GDC2015, San Francisco Mayor Li Mengxian in March 5th American time met with participating China Mobile Games CEO Xiao jian. Xiao Jian said, China Mobile Games are planning to establish USA branch in San Francisco, hopes to use the related policy support to the city of San Francisco, fast landing and make greater achievements of cooperation. Xiao Jian said, Chinese Mobile Games is promoting "introduce come and go...

标签: 手游