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三月外服测试预告表 宝藏猎人 天铸开测

In March the foreign service test list treasure hunter day cast of open test

2015-03-03 18:27:12来源: 新浪

2015年3月,虽然很多比较受期待的韩游都预告说要在春季开测,但到目前为止仅体育游戏《足球经理OL》宣布要正式公测,MOBA新游《海盗:宝藏猎人》则表示要在4月正式运营前的3月17日进行最终测试、另外被称为俄版剑灵的《天铸》开启内测。 让我们一起看看3月老外们要玩什么游戏吧! 足球...

2015 year in March, although many compared to anticipated Han You notice said to the test in the spring, but so far only the sports game "football manager OL" announced the official Gongce, MOBA new "Pirate Treasure Hunter said:" to be officially in April operation before the March 17th final test, also known as the Russian version of the "blade cast day" open beta. Let us have a look in March foreigners to play what game! Football...