新关注 > 信息聚合 > 开山鼻祖必看《醉天下》门徒玩法攻略


The first person to do sth. see "drunk" disciples world gameplay Raiders

2015-03-03 20:42:45来源: 07073游戏网

行走江湖靠山绝对不能少?但是,《醉天下》中一个好的靠山,不是跪舔而来的干爹,而是靠自己的双手建立的门派!大黑新游《醉天下》,即将于3月12开启首次封测,门徒玩法攻略抢先揭秘,各位开山鼻祖想要在封测时快人一步吗?就让我们一起来探秘吧! 《醉天下》门徒玩法改变回合无脑等待模式,让玩家能够...

walk backer is not little however, drunk? "The world" in a good patron, instead of kneeling lick to the godfather, but by their own hands to build the new martial! Big black world "drunk", forthcoming in March 12 to open for the first time IC packaging and testing, the disciples play Raiders preemptive secret, the first person to do sth. you want in the IC packaging and testing time step ahead? Let's quest! "Drunk" disciples world game changes round without brain wait mode, let the game player can...