新关注 > 信息聚合 > 武侠题材手游《大侠无双》9日当乐开启震撼公测


Knight errant theme Mobile Games "Heroes" 9 music opening shock matchless beta

2015-02-05 12:25:40来源: 游久网

武侠题材手游《大侠无双》将颠覆重度手游圈,带给玩家一个清新夺目游戏体验,如梦优美的场景,绚丽华美的特效,诗意挥洒的江湖,挑战性与抗击性的任务,《大侠无双》为武侠类ARPG手游注入如沐春风的新气息。《大侠无双》9日当乐开启震撼公测。 【机制平衡 普通玩家也能打高级】 《大侠无双》里面...

knight errant theme Mobile Games "Heroes" will overturn matchless severe Mobile Games ring game player, to bring a fresh and eye-catching game experience, like a dream the beautiful scene, beautiful special effects, poetic sway of river lake, challenging and fighting against the nature of the task, "Heroes" inject new breeze matchless breath as a knight errant kind ARPG Mobile Games. "Heroes" 9 music opening shock matchless beta. [balancing mechanism of ordinary game player can also play the "Heroes" inside the matchless senior]...

标签: 手游