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魔化军团登场 《龙珠:超宇宙》官方最新预告

Magic Legion debut "Dragon Ball: super universe" for the latest official Trailer

2015-02-04 18:31:35来源: 新浪

视频加载中,请稍候... 今日,万代南梦宫旗下人气系列新作《龙珠:超宇宙(Dragon Ball:Xenoverse)》发布了第五弹预告片,重点在于两名原创敌人Mira,Towa亮相,他们将联手魔化悟空阵营成员,从而使悟空陷入众叛亲离的境地。 龙珠:超宇宙 Mira,人造人,想...

Sina video loading, please wait... Today, Namco Bandai's popular series of new "Dragon Ball: super universe (Dragon Ball:Xenoverse)" released the fifth Bomb Trailer, focuses on two original enemy Mira, Towa appearance, they will jointly magic Goku camp members, so that the monkey into be deserted by one's followers position. Dragon Ball: super universe Mira, artificial person, want to...