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疑似工作室挡摊位 求大WY处理

For large WY booth suspected studio block processing

2015-01-15 09:49:55来源: 17173

GZS出现新情况,经常开一批号取同样的名字覆盖在普通玩家的摊子上,导致普通玩家的摊子无法被正常点击查看(原本挂一天点击率有2000,被“同名摊位”覆盖后点击不过百),根本没办法卖东西,GZS采取这种不正当的竞争手段,危害有三: (一)普通玩家没办法卖东西了,原本想通宵摆的,因为摆着也卖...

GZS new situations, often open a batch from the same name covered in ordinary game player stall, resulting in ordinary game player stands can not be normal click (originally hung hits a day 2000, is "the same name booth" after covering click however 100), no way sell something, GZS take this unfair means of competition, the harm has three: (a) the general game player can't sell anything, originally wanted to put all night, because before sell...