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英雄之境签到得朔月 七夜之祈朔月降临

The hero of the exit sign to new moon nights praying for new moon falls

2015-01-16 15:50:15来源: 4399

英雄之境签到得朔月,英雄之境七夜之祈朔月降临 活动时间:1月16日起 活动奖励:英雄朔月 团长们,英雄之境的内测荣耀开启,活动【朔月降临】也随之开放!累计签到7天,收集七颗魔法石即可召唤英雄朔月(必定三星)! 如此简单的获得方法也只有在内测开启时才有哦,团长们不要错过! 另外,...

the hero of the exit sign in to the moon, the hero of the territory of new moon falls seven nights praying activity time: January 16th reward: Hero moon chieftains, the hero of the environment inside the opening activities of glory, [] becomes open new moon came! Total attendance for 7 days, the collection of seven magic stone to summon the heroes new moon (must be Samsung)! Such a simple method of obtaining only in the online open when they don't miss Oh, head! In addition,...