新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015年MOBA市场:是热翔来了还是神作盛宴?


2015: MOBA market is hot Xiang to feast or God?

2015-01-19 12:00:01来源: 17173

文/岁闲君 2015,MOBA红海格局已定 对于目标用户来说,2015是一个预料中的MOBA大年。 细数2014至今流出消息的中国MOBA新作们,有腾讯《HON》《兽人必须死》《神之浩劫》《众神争霸》,完美世界《第三把剑》,电魂网络《梦三国2》,星云《代号105》,蜗牛《九阳神...

/ Sui Xianjun 2015, red sea MOBA pattern has been set for the target users, 2015 is an expected in the MOBA year. Count since 2014 outflow message China MOBA new people, have Tencent "HON" "orcs must die" "God" havoc "gods" perfect world hegemony, "third sword", "soul dream Three Kingdoms 2 electric network", "code 105" nebula, snail "Joyoung god...