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To celebrate the second anniversary of the launch of the game, the free theme of "never again" PS4 is now online

2021-04-27 09:40:06来源: 游戏时光

《往日不再》发售于 2019 年 4 月 26 日,游戏现已迎来自己的发售两周年纪念日。为庆祝这一时刻,官方通过激活码的形式为玩家免费提供了一个《往日不再》 PS4 主题。视频地址各区服主题兑换码如下:亚服:E775-GENL-M6CQ日服:3BLE-QEN4-2HDL美服:G98M-2AN3-L6L4欧服:QG4H-NMNN-N7P2韩服:M57A-FNNQ-AH5F来源:Bend Studio

"Never again" was released on April 26, 2019, and the game has now ushered in its second anniversary. In order to celebrate this moment, the official provides players with a "never again" PS4 theme for free in the form of activation code. Video address: Asia Service: e775-genl-m6cq, Japan service: 3ble-qen4-2hdl, USA service: g98m-2an3-l6l4, Europe service: qg4h-nmnn-n7p2, Korea service: m57a-fnnq-ah5f, source: bend studio

标签: 游戏 PS PS4