新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《命运石之门》将与线下真人密室逃脱游戏公司展开联动


"Gate of destiny stone" will be linked with offline real person secret room escape game company

2021-04-26 17:28:32来源: 游戏时光

日本的 SCAP 是一家主营线下真人密室逃脱游戏的公司,近日他们在社交媒体上发布了一张辉光管时钟的图片,熟悉《命运石之门》系列的朋友一定知道这是游戏中的世界线变动率探测仪。考虑到 SCAP 经常与 ACG 作品进行联动,并且下方的版权信息还有「MAGES/Nitroplus」的字样,这回应该是要推出以《命运石之门》为主题的真人密室逃脱游戏。SCAP 近来联动的作品不仅有《名侦探柯南》《进击的巨人》,也有我们玩家比较熟悉的《女神异闻录5》,有兴趣的朋友可以前往他们的官网看看详细介绍。来源:Twitter

SCAP in Japan is a company mainly engaged in offline real-life secret room escape games. Recently, they released a picture of glow tube clock on social media. Friends familiar with the destiny stone gate series must know that this is the world line change rate detector in the game. Considering that SCAP often interacts with ACG works, and the copyright information below also has the words "mages / nitroplus", this time we should launch a real-life secret room escape game with the theme of "gate of destiny stone". SCAP's recent linkage works include not only Detective Conan and attacking giant, but also goddess strange news 5, which our players are familiar with. If you are interested, you can go to their official website to have a detailed introduction. Source: Twitter

标签: 游戏