新关注 > 信息聚合 > 彪马将推出《集合啦!动物森友会》联名运动鞋


Puma will launch collection! Animal Crossing club sports shoes

2021-08-27 10:24:24来源: 游戏时光

据外媒 SneakerFreaker 透露,服装品牌彪马(Puma)将与任天堂合作,推出一系列《集合啦!动物森友会》联名运动鞋与服装。 从泄露样图可以看到,这款联名运动鞋上采用了符合《集合啦!动物森友会》主题的印“薄荷绿”为主色调,鞋舌上也有绿叶标记,鞋面上也有小动物村民的图案,看起来非常可爱。该运动鞋还有配套的绿色可替换鞋带,以及做成“铃钱袋”外观的鞋带袋子。除了运动鞋以外,本次联动还有多款服装推出,一同泄露的还有一件连帽衫。目前任天堂和彪马官方尚未正式公布本次联动商品。 来源:gamesradar

According to foreign media sneakerfreaker, clothing brand puma will cooperate with Nintendo to launch a series of collection! Animal Crossing club sports shoes and clothing. amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; As can be seen from the leaked sample picture, this co branded sneaker adopts the collection! The theme of animal crossing is "mint green", which is mainly composed of green leaves. The vamp also has the pattern of small animal villagers, which looks very cute. The sports shoes also have matching green replaceable shoelaces and shoelace bags with the appearance of "bell purse". In addition to sports shoes, a number of clothes were launched in this linkage, and a Hoodie was leaked together. At present, Nintendo and puma have not officially announced the linkage products.