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《尼尔 人工生命》埃米尔与《仙剑奇侠传》阿奴粘土人开订

Amir of Neil's artificial life and Anu clay people of the legend of the fairy sword

2021-08-27 11:41:16来源: 游戏时光

GSC 宣布,《尼尔 人工生命 Ver.1.22474487139...》埃米尔粘土人与《仙剑奇侠传》阿奴粘土人今日在官方旗舰店开启预售。两件商品全高 100 mm,分别定价 380 元与 359 元,前者预计于 2022 年 1 月发货,后者预计于 2022 年 6 月发货。埃米尔可脱下外套,展现特征性的头部以及素体状态。配件附带他爱用的「杖」、「魔法阵特效贴纸」与各种「替换手」,以及关键道具「月之泪」。阿奴可替换的表情零件除了有「普通脸」,还有附「悲伤脸」与「生气脸」,共三种。配件附有阿奴的武器「木杖」以及她的「笛子」和「桃花林背景」。

GSC announced that the Amir clay man of Neil artificial life ver. 1.22474487139... And the Anu clay man of the legend of the fairy sword are on pre-sale at the official flagship store today. The two goods are 100 mm high, priced at 380 yuan and 359 yuan respectively. The former is expected to be delivered in January 2022 and the latter is expected to be delivered in June 2022. Emil can take off his coat and show his characteristic head and body state. The accessories include his favorite "stick", "magic array special effect sticker" and various "replacement hands", as well as the key prop "tears of the moon". The replaceable expression parts of Anu include "ordinary face" and "sad face" and "angry face". The accessories include Anu's weapon "wooden stick", her "Flute" and "peach blossom forest background".