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《消逝的光芒2 人与仁之战》开发者讲解跑酷、战斗系统与世界观背景

The developer of the lost light 2 Battle of humanity explains the background of parkour, combat system and world outlook

2021-08-27 08:06:30来源: 游戏时光

Techland 放出了《消失的光芒2 人与仁之战》的新一期开发者讲解视频“Dying 2 Know: Episode 3 Gamescom Edition”。本次官方放出了游戏的新实机演示,同时介绍了游戏中全面升级的跑酷动作、与跑酷相结合的战斗系统、武器的设计理念、世界观及故事背景等内容,同时玩家还可以前往官方网站领取可在《消逝的光芒》初代中使用武器和外观等奖励。官方也确认将在 Switch 平台推出《消逝的光芒 白金版》,不过并未公布该作的上市日期,有传闻表示该作的 Switch 版本将于 10 月发售。《消逝的光芒2 人与仁之战》将于 2021 年 12 月 7 日登陆 PS5/PS4/Xbox Series/Xbox One/PC 平台,游戏支持中文。视频地址

Techland released the new developer explanation video "dying 2 know: Episode 3 Gamescom edition" of "the war of lost light and benevolence". The official released a new real-world demonstration of the game. At the same time, it introduced the fully upgraded Parkour action in the game, the combat system combined with parkour, the design concept of weapons, world outlook and story background. At the same time, players can also go to the official website to receive rewards for using weapons and appearance in the early generation of vanishing light. The official also confirmed that the "lost light platinum version" will be launched on the switch platform, but the launch date of the work has not been announced. It is rumored that the switch version of the work will be released in October《 "The war between two people and benevolence" will be launched on ps5 / PS4 / Xbox series / Xbox one / PC platform on December 7, 2021. The game supports Chinese. Video address