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《真·三国无双 霸》体验报告:如果把六代手游化

Experience report of the true Three Kingdoms: if we turn the six generations of mobile games into mobile games

2021-08-04 15:36:20来源: 游戏时光

如果有参加 ChinaJoy 2021 的话,很容易在展馆的出入口看到一个特有趣的广告 – 曹操出行 APP×手游《真·三国无双 霸》的联动活动。海报上「真·三国无双」系列的曹操和曹操出行 LOGO 摆在一起,现场参与互动还有机会赢取免费打车的机会。对于逛展走了一天,疲惫不堪的游客来说,是实打实的好处。作为一款即将在8月10日上线的手游,《真·三国无双 霸》现在自然是进入了宣发期,此类吸引人的广告很容易让人对其关注。开发商理所当然在 CJ 展台提供了本作的试玩,我去体验了一会,尝试了游戏初期的一些内容。对于一款长线运营的手游来说,展会试玩的时间自然没法面面俱到地了解游戏的全部,以下内容仅供参考,感兴趣的朋友可以等游戏上线后亲自上手一番。如果仅看游戏剧情内容的话,《真·三国无双 霸》其实是把《真·三国无双6》移植

If you participate in ChinaJoy 2021, you can easily see a very interesting advertisement at the entrance and exit of the exhibition hall - Cao Cao travel app × Hand tour is a linkage activity of "Zhen · the Three Kingdoms". On the poster, Cao Cao and Cao Cao's travel logo of "true · unparalleled in the Three Kingdoms" series are placed together. They can participate in the interaction on site and have the opportunity to win a free taxi. It's a real benefit for the tired tourists who have walked around the exhibition all day. As a mobile game that will be launched on August 10, "true · the Three Kingdoms" has naturally entered the publicity period. Such attractive advertisements are easy to attract people's attention. Of course, the developer provided a trial of this work at the CJ booth. I went to experience it for a while and tried some content in the early stage of the game. For a long-term mobile game, the trial time of the exhibition naturally can't understand all the games. The following contents are for reference only. Interested friends can start the game in person after the game is online. If we only look at the content of the game, the "true Three Kingdoms matchless 6" is actually a transplant of the "true Three Kingdoms matchless 6"

标签: 手游