新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《数码宝贝新世纪》里的“进化”元素令我印象深刻


I was impressed by the "evolution" element in digital baby new century

2021-08-04 15:15:45来源: 游戏时光

对于喜欢《数码宝贝》的朋友来说,最近几天可以算是提前过年了。官方不仅公布了今年秋季就能看到的新TV动画《数码宝贝 Ghost Game》,讲述世界上第一个与数码宝贝达成伙伴关系剧情的剧场版动画《数码宝贝 02》也在制作中。同样是这几天,我在本次 ChinaJoy 2021 现场试玩了即将开启测试的《数码宝贝新世纪》,就我在试玩现场的观察,来《数码宝贝新世纪》展台的大都是《数码宝贝》的粉丝。特别是现场的鉴别数码宝贝活动,试玩期间我每次往那边瞟都能看到那些积极参与鉴别活动的朋友,并且他们的正确率比我这种半吊子要高太多了。试玩之后,这款游戏特殊的“战中进化”系统,以及制作组对于《数码宝贝》世界观的一些巧思都给我留下了深刻的印象。在等待新动画的时候,我觉得它可以成为粉丝们闲暇之余消磨时光的新选择。对于国内的朋友来说《数

For friends who like "digital baby", the recent days can be regarded as the Chinese new year ahead of schedule. The official not only announced the new TV animation "digital baby ghost game" that can be seen this autumn, but also the theater animation "digital baby 02", which tells the story of the world's first partnership with digital baby, is being produced. Also in recent days, I tried the upcoming test of "digital baby new century" on ChinaJoy 2021. According to my observation on the trial site, most of the people who came to the booth of "digital baby new century" were digital baby fans. Especially in the on-site identification of digital baby activities, I can see those friends who actively participate in the identification activities every time I look over there during the trial, and their accuracy is much higher than that of me. After the trial, I was deeply impressed by the special "evolution in war" system of the game and some ingenious ideas of the production team on the world outlook of digital baby. While waiting for the new animation, I think it can become a new choice for fans to spend time in their spare time. For friends in China, "number"