新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国行Xbox《光环:无限》精英手柄二代11月15日发售


The second generation of elite handle "Halo: Infinity" of BOC Xbox was sold on November 15

2021-08-27 14:30:33来源: 游戏时光

Xbox 中国宣布,国行版 Xbox 《光环:无限》精英无线手柄二代,将于 11 月 15 日正式发售。视频地址希望《光环 无限》的限定版 Xbox Series X 主机国行版也能够在 11 月 15 日同步发售。

Xbox China announced that the second generation of elite wireless handle of Xbox halo: Infinity will be officially launched on November 15. The video address hopes that the limited version of halo infinity Xbox series X host national bank version can also be sold simultaneously on November 15.

标签: Xbox