新关注 > 信息聚合 > 良笑社「莱莎」和「艾希」手办今日开放预售


Liangxiao club "lesha" and "Aishi" opened pre-sale today

2021-08-31 11:39:27来源: 游戏时光

良笑社(Good Smile Company)最新商品现已到货,今日(8 月 31 日)开启预售的有“莱莎”的手办和“艾希”粘土人手办。 莱莎琳·斯托特(出自《莱莎的炼金工房 常暗女王与秘密藏身处》) 该手办为 1/6 比例,由手办厂商 Phat! 负责生产,表现了盘着腿上衣从肩膀滑落,卸下装备放松的莱莎,莱莎更是用稍显得意的表情展现着自己姣好的身材,并且外套是可以脱下的!该手办预计将于 2022 年 11 月陆续发货,售价 23800 日元(约合人民币 1401 元)。“寒冰射手”艾希(出自《英雄联盟》) 《英雄联盟》中的经典角色艾希也粘土人化啦!可替换面部有“普通脸”“战斗脸”“笑脸”三种,手部配件也有“弓”“箭”“猎鹰之灵”“魔法水晶箭”几种,还原了艾希的所有

The latest goods of good smile company have arrived. Today (August 31), the pre-sale is started by "lesha" and "Aishi" clay people& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; Lesseline Stott (from lesha's Alchemy room often dark queen and secret hiding place) & amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; The ratio of the manual is 1 / 6, and the manual manufacturer Phat! In charge of production, lesha showed that her cross legged coat slipped from her shoulder, removed her equipment and relaxed. Lesha showed her beautiful figure with a slightly proud expression, and her coat can be taken off! The manual is expected to ship successively in November 2022 at a price of 23800 yen (about 1401 yuan)“ "Ice shooter" ash (from the League of Heroes)