新关注 > 信息聚合 > 大明武侠晋谒!刀剑动作游戏《听风者也》9月23日发售


Ming Wuxia Jinye! The sword action game "who listens to the wind" went on sale on September 23

2021-08-30 20:07:42来源: 游戏时光

独立游戏团队纸老虎和发行商 Gamera Game 共同宣布,由前者开发的刀剑题材横版动作游戏《听风者也》将于 9 月 23 日在 Steam 上正式发售。同时官方公开了一支全新的预告片,介绍了本作的故事背景,并展现了一些战斗画面。《听风者也》最新预告片游戏的故事发生在明朝嘉靖年间,以抗击倭寇为背景。此次放出的预告片以一种水墨画卷的形式,将故事梗概呈现在玩家面前。庙堂之上内忧外患,江湖之中风起云涌。男主身为东南云林禅院掌门连夜下山到底去向何方?倭寇入侵的背后又有怎样的阴谋?所有的真相都等待着玩家前来揭开。《听风者也》以反击制敌作为游戏的核心玩法。在战斗过程中,除了防御和突进打击之外,玩家还可以施以点穴处决,造成大量伤害。玩家还能使用强力道具对敌人造成意想不到的伤害,甚至可以拿起酒壶喷出火焰灼

The independent game team paper tiger and publisher GAMERA game jointly announced that the horizontal version of the action game with the theme of sword developed by the former will be launched in & amp; nbsp; Steam& nbsp; On sale. At the same time, the official released a new trailer, introduced the story background of the work, and showed some battle pictures《 The story of the latest Trailer game of "those who listen to the wind" takes place in the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, with the background of fighting against Japanese pirates. The trailer released this time presents the outline of the story in front of the players in the form of ink scroll. There are internal and external troubles in the temple, and there are surging clouds in the Jianghu. As the leader of the southeast Yunlin Buddhist temple, where did the man go down the mountain all night? What is the plot behind the Japanese invasion? All the truth is waiting for players to uncover《 The wind listener also takes counterattack to defeat the enemy as the core of the game. During the battle, in addition to defense and sudden attack, players can also perform acupoint execution, causing a lot of damage. Players can also use powerful props to cause unexpected damage to the enemy. They can even pick up a wine pot and spray flames

标签: 游戏