新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《瘟疫传说》发行商现更名为「Focus娱乐」


The publisher of plague legend is now renamed "focus entertainment"

2021-09-07 12:12:27来源: 游戏时光

曾发行《瘟疫传说:无罪》《僵尸世界大战》等游戏的法国发行商 Focus Home Interactive 宣布公司将正式更名为“Focus Entertainment”,标示着公司目标更加国际化的决心。 从今往后,Focus Entertainment 将统一 Focus 业务的方方面面,涵盖游戏、产品、服务、收益流等多样化的需求。“娱乐”(Entertainment)也强调了 Focus 想要向世界各地的玩家提供独特体验的雄心壮志,并用创新的概念和玩法、原创的世界观拓宽游戏的边界。Focus Entertainment 目前手中有着不少有潜力的 IP,例如新收购的发行商 Dometu 旗下即将推出的清版过关游戏《忍者神龟:施耐德的复仇》,《僵尸世界大战: 余波》也将在 9 月 21 日发

Focus home interactive, a French publisher of games such as plague legend: innocence and zombie World War, announced that the company would officially change its name to "focus entertainment", indicating the company's determination to achieve more internationalization& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; From now on, focus entertainment will unify all aspects of focus business, covering diversified needs such as games, products, services and revenue streams“ Entertainment also emphasizes focus's ambition to provide unique experiences to players around the world, and broaden the boundaries of the game with innovative concepts, playing methods and original world outlook. At present, focus entertainment has many potential IPS in its hands, such as the upcoming Qing clearance game Ninja Turtle: Schneider's revenge and zombie World War: aftermath of the newly acquired publisher dometu, which will also be released on September 21