新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《极限竞速 地平线5》单人模式演示将于9月8日公开

《极限竞速 地平线5》单人模式演示将于9月8日公开

The single player demonstration of extreme racing horizon 5 will be released on September 8

2021-09-07 15:12:14来源: 游戏时光

Playground Games 将于北京时间 9 月 8 日凌晨 1 点为大家带来《极限竞速 地平线5》的单人模式演示。有条件的朋友届时可进入直播间观看。根据官方说法,《极限竞速 地平线5》采用了与前作《极限竞速 地平线4》相似的威望值升级系统,但具体游玩内容有很大不同。此外「地平线故事」(Horizon Stories)模式将会回归,游戏内还设有 6 个「节庆点」(Festival Sites)。《极限竞速 地平线5》将于 11 月 9 日登陆 Xbox Series X|S / Xbox One / PC 平台,首发加入 XGP 阵容。来源:Forza/Gaming Bolt

Playground games will bring you a single player demonstration of extreme racing horizon 5 at 1 a.m. Beijing time on September 8. Conditional friends can enter the live studio to watch. According to the official statement, "extreme racing horizon 5" adopts the prestige value upgrade system similar to the previous work "extreme racing horizon 4", but the specific playing contents are very different. In addition, the "Horizon stories" mode will return, and there are also 6 "festival sites" in the game《 Extreme racing horizon 5 will be launched on the Xbox series x|s / Xbox one / PC platform on November 9 to join the XGP lineup. Source: Forza / gaming bolt