新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《微软模拟飞行》「壮志凌云」DLC随电影延期


Microsoft simulation flight "top gun" DLC postponed with the film

2021-09-07 10:45:47来源: 游戏时光

早在今年 6 月微软宣布将联动由汤姆·克鲁斯主演的电影《壮志凌云2:独行侠》,于 2021 年年内同步推出电影同款战斗机的免费 DLC,不过随着电影延期至明年 5 月 27 日,该 DLC 的上线时间也被推迟。事实上《壮志凌云2:独行侠》的院线上映时间早已延期过多次,从最初计划的 2020 年 12 月延期至 2021 年 7 月,但由于新冠疫情反弹延期至 11 月,最终再度延期至明年,而由于微软承诺过 DLC 将和电影同步上架,因此想要在游戏中体验该 DLC 还得再等半年多时间。“阿汤哥”的另一部动作电影《碟中谍7》的上映日期也从 2022 年 5 月 27 日调整至 2022 年 9 月 30 日。 来源:gamesradar

As early as June this year, Microsoft announced that it would launch the free DLC of the same fighter in 2021 in conjunction with the film top gun 2: Lone Ranger starring Tom Cruise. However, with the extension of the film to May 27 next year, the online time of the DLC was also postponed. As a matter of fact, the release time of the cinema of "2 Heroes: lone Rangers" has been postponed many times, and has been postponed from December 2020 to July 2021 in the first planned period. However, due to the delay of COVID-19's rebound to November, it will be postponed to the next year until the end of the year. As Microsoft has promised that DLC will be on the same stage with the film, it will take more than half a year to experience the DLC in the game. The release date of mission impossible 7, another action film of "Tom" has also been adjusted from May 27, 2022 to September 30, 2022.

标签: 电影 微软