新关注 > 信息聚合 > FANTHFUL联动《逆转裁判》周边11月下旬开售


Fantful linked "reverse judgment" to be sold in late November

2021-10-13 10:41:08来源: 游戏时光

为纪念经典文字冒险游戏“逆转裁判”系列诞生 20 周年,周边生厂商 FANTHFUL 现宣布将与卡普空联动推出全新的正版授权周边系列产品,第一弹将包含 9 种商品,预计将于 11 月下旬开售。 “逆转裁判”白色 T 恤简单低调的白色 T 恤,胸口用刺绣工艺的呈现了游戏的经典台词“異議あり”,立体感与冲击感十足,背面则是成步堂和御剑的肖像图,袖标还使用了“成步堂龙一”西装的主题色和游戏 LOGO 的闪光标志。该 T 恤材质为棉,有 S/M/L/XL/2XL 大小可选,售价 119元。 “逆转裁判”黑色 T 恤黑色款 T 恤以 11 位游戏内角色围绕暗金色的天秤 Q 版风格角色为主题,每位角色均摆着代表性造型或带着专属道具,神态各异,画面中央有着“Since 2001”的字样,袖标同样使用了“成步堂龙一”西装的

In order to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the birth of the classic text adventure game "reverse referee" series, the peripheral manufacturer fanthful now announced that it would launch a new genuine authorized peripheral series products in conjunction with kapukong. The first bullet will contain 9 kinds of goods and is expected to be on sale in late November.