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意甲劲旅尤文图斯授权回到EA手中,咱们《FIFA 23》见

Serie a powerhouse Juventus is authorized to return to ea. See you on FIFA 23

2022-07-26 09:58:20来源: 游戏时光

EA SPORTS 宣布,意甲足球俱乐部尤文图斯的授权将于 9 月 30 日正式回归到他们手中,《FIFA 23》将是这次合作后得到授权的首款作品。此前《实况足球》系列已经独占该授权三年了,《FIFA》只能以「皮埃蒙特」的假名来替换这支意甲劲旅。视频地址根据官方新闻稿的说法,EA SPORTS 跟尤文图斯建立了「多年独家合作伙伴关系」,这意味着科乐美的《实况足球》系列(或者说现在的 eFootball)将在很长一段时间内不再拥有尤文图斯的相关授权。此外,意大利名宿克劳迪奥·马尔基西奥(Claudio Marchisio)将作为「FUT 英雄」卡加入游戏,而现役球员杜尚·弗拉霍维奇(Dušan Vlahović)也将担任《FIFA 23》大使。《FIFA 23》将于 9 月 30 日发售,此前官方曾透露将在本周公

EA Sports announced that the authorization of Serie A football club Juventus will officially return to them on September 30, and "FIFA 23" will be the first work authorized after this cooperation. Previously, the "live football" series had monopolized the license for three years, and "FIFA" could only replace this serie a powerhouse under the pseudonym of "Piemonte". Video address according to the official press release, EA Sports has established an "exclusive partnership for many years" with Juventus, which means that kolomey's "live football" series (or now efootball) will no longer have the relevant authorization of Juventus for a long time. In addition, Claudio Marchisio, the famous Italian player, will join the game as a "fut hero" card, while the active player Dushan flajovich (DU š an Vlahovi ć) Will also serve as FIFA 23 ambassador. "FIFA 23" will be released on September 30, after officials said it would be released this week