新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《昭和米国物语》开发商获得800万美元融资 在美国成立新工作室

《昭和米国物语》开发商获得800万美元融资 在美国成立新工作室

The developer of Showa story of America received US $8million to set up a new studio in the United States

2022-07-21 16:47:24来源: 游戏时光

《昭和米国物语》开发商铃空游戏(NEKCOM)宣布,已于日前获得了来自 Galaxy Interactive 的 800 万美元 A 轮融资,后者是全球范围内专注于互动及游戏领域的最大风险投资机构之一。 融资将被用于加强铃空旗下游戏作品的开发、技术研发、国际化发展等。同时,Galaxy Interactive 的合伙人兼游戏板块负责人 Ryan You 也加入了铃空的董事会。 除了融资以外,铃空近期在纽约曼哈顿设立了全新的 “铃空美国工作室(NEKCOM US Studio)”。该工作室将专注在美国市场,建立更加本地化的玩家社区,并探索多元化的商业和战略机遇。铃空游戏的创始人兼董事长罗翔宇:铃空是一家

Nekcom, the developer of Showa story of America, announced that it had recently received $8million in a-round financing from galaxy interactive, which is one of the largest venture capital institutions worldwide focusing on interaction and games& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; The financing will be used to strengthen the development, technology research and development, international development, etc. of Lingkong's game works. At the same time, Ryan you, a partner of Galaxy interactive and head of the game sector, also joined Lingkong's board of directors& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; In addition to financing, linkkong recently set up a new "nekcom US studio" in Manhattan, New York. The studio will focus on the U.S. market, establish a more localized player community, and explore diversified business and strategic opportunities. Luoxiangyu, founder and chairman of Lingkong game: Lingkong is a